Freedom of Religion

I’d been holding off commenting about the controversy surrounding siting the proposed Islamic Center near the World Trade Center because frankly it’s been a busy summer and I haven’t felt educated enough to talk about it. And then there was the yahoo, I mean reverend pastor, in Florida who wants to make a name forContinue reading “Freedom of Religion”

A constant struggle…

In my family we have a Jew, a Catholic and the three little Jatholics. Sam, the Jew, is not currently very observant, but his Jewishness is an essential part of his identity. I, the Catholic, am very observant. The three little kids are too young to decide for themselves, but the oldest, at six, attendsContinue reading “A constant struggle…”

Jatholic Thoughts

Today is Friday, so if you’re Jewish, it’s the Sabbath.  (I guess it is for Seventh Day Adventists too, but I don’t know diddly about them).  Last Friday, we were at my sister-in-law’s place outside of Boston, so we ate Shabbat dinner with them.  And man, was it great…The food yes, but I’m not talkingContinue reading “Jatholic Thoughts”